MAY. 02, 2024

沉邃萃謐境 蔓衍敘韶華



承續屋主對沉靜氛圍和非凡品味的嚮往,崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 運用意象式手法,將抽象的沉穩、寧靜之感,透過建材轉化為具體的居家環境,進而使人自然地沉浸其中,並以深色調為主軸,於全室採用觸感細膩的手刮木地板與肌理精緻的石紋、木質,奠定富有深度的輕奢基調,搭配鏡面、鐵件賦予俐落線條和多層次光澤,而散佈各處的間接照明,則為空間挹注現代時尚風範;另思及業主對家人的重視,我們將廚房隔牆打通改為通透的玻璃拉門,除了改善此處採光和通風,更以流暢的動線拉近居者距離,讓餐廚區成為家宅核心,眾人於此共度平實而珍貴的天倫時光。

The interior exudes an understated and subdued color palette, creating an atmosphere of tranquility that seems to resonate with the eternal essence of life under the catalytic effect of natural light. It weaves a captivating tale unique to this abode, liberating one from the shackles of everyday worries. The stone patterns, with their carefree and untamed textures, invite the mind to wander freely, while the touch of wood imparts a warm and gentle sensation. Guided by soft, indirect lighting, one can immerse in self-reflection, savoring the moments spent with family and the heartwarming ambiance of the home.

Drawing inspiration from the homeowner's desire for a serene ambiance and exceptional taste, C.J.HOUSE DESIGN designers Cheng Liao and Jung Liao employ an imagery-based approach to translate abstract feelings of tranquility and calmness into tangible living spaces via carefully chosen materials, seamlessly immersing individuals within. Embracing a deep color scheme as the focal point, we adorn the entire room with delicately textured hand-scraped wood flooring, intricate stone patterns, and elegant wood elements, resulting in a profound and luxurious atmosphere with subtle refinement. Complementing the design, mirrors and metallic works are strategically integrated to accentuate the clean linear feature and a sense of depth and dimension, infusing the space in a modern fashion through indirect lighting. Thoughtfully considering the importance the homeowner places on the family, we replace the kitchen's partition wall with a clear glass sliding door, not only optimizing natural light and airflow but also promoting a smooth flow that brings family members closer together. Transforming the kitchen and dining area into the heart of the home, it becomes a lovely space where the family shares their precious and quality bonding moments.