2024 World Design Awards《金樽還復一扁舟》榮獲Winner
As a “residence for one,” the designers wanted the space to reflect the owner’s personal style while being both artistic and subtly luxurious. The new Chinese-style social area emphasizes an open plan with elements such as flatboats and scrolls. Private areas, such as the master bedroom and study room, are kept neutral and simple to achieve balance and tranquility. The goal is to realize the owner’s desire for “self-realization” through design, ensuring that the space satisfies his lifestyle.
【崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸】木白輕點灰韻 巧賦質感新格
崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 將65坪的中古別墅重整翻新,活化空間利用率和機能性,讓場域能因應需求彈性調整,呈現個性化家居。為喜愛簡約調性的屋主,選以木質原調和水泥灰立面與軟裝搭配,讓家屋圍繞在自然靜謐的氛圍裡,放眼望去都是喜愛的人事物,把生活過成喜歡的樣子。
【崢嶸設計】嚴密評估、靈活應變 巧運科技翻轉老屋
往昔實事求是的異業經歷,造就 崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 對案場結構的敏銳觀察和講究品質的慎密,偕同兩人獨樹一幟的美學素養,塑造崢嶸設計精鍊踏實且精緻優美的作品風貌;本次專題以現今舊屋件買氣興起的趨勢為核心,結合廣受各業界關注的AI議題,一舉探究團隊如何活用對工程、科技熟悉的優勢,拓展品牌於老屋翻新業務方面的優良名聲!
【崢嶸設計】2024金外灘獎 廖崢、廖嶸溫煦美邸喜迎明耀榮光!
活用品牌擅長的意象式設計, 以自然孕育萬物生長的包容大氣感為主軸,選用淺色大理石紋呈遞山巒薄霧繚繞的朦朧美,搭配和煦間接照明,描繪一幅晨光遍撒屋間的柔雅景緻。家宅作品《山嵐晨光》深得評審團欣賞,贏獲本屆賽事「最佳居住空間獎」入圍獎!
【崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸】山嵐疊蘊暖情 晨光映耀盛景
集結業主對交誼、孝親和未來成家等多方面的嚮往,崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 將自然孕育萬物、大海容納百川的包容意象定為家宅主題,擷取明媚晨光與高山霧嵐的景緻挹入宅邸,輔以木、石、鐵件等元素,構築出家庭成員各自喜愛的風格,同時展現各場域獨特性,賦予美學和舒適並蓄的自適氛圍。
2024 TITAN Property Awards 廖崢、廖嶸細膩宅所流溢金獎光彩!
崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 回應業主對社交、孝親和育兒的需求,一樓規劃開放式格局,打造可容納多人活動的寬敞公領域,另設置一座電梯供長輩上下樓,也方便屋主未來搬運嬰兒車使用,展現便利機能與安全性;實現居者期許的溫情住宅《山嵐晨光》深受賽事評審推崇,一舉獲得「金獎」殊績!
沉邃萃謐境 蔓衍敘韶華
2024 TITAN Property Awards《山嵐晨光》榮獲Gold Winner
Mother nature nurtures all living creatures, just like a comprehensive home design that fits for three generations. Veined marble imitates the mountain mist floating around the wood surfaces, and it seems that you can smell a bit of cool air. Hazy light penetrates between the grayish slabs as the morning sun shines through the clouds. The poetic image performing a fresh start of a nice day, leads people into a comforting field.
融合獨到美學與理性思維,崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 忠於對於「美」的嚮往,透過細膩手法及豐富巧思,將意象之感化為實際景象,構築出一座座平衡美感和實用性的緻美居所,貼合業主想望,也備受各大國際賽事肯定,現在就讓我們一同回顧他們豐收的一年!
2024 MUSE Design Awards 廖崢、廖嶸恬謐雙邸擁得金銀燦譽!
MUSE Design Awards由歷史悠久的國際獎項協會International Awards Associates(IAA)主辦,以發掘全球設計繆思為宗旨,為建築、室內、時尚等領域提供全面的發光舞台,每年嚴格的評分標準,吸引國際知名品牌與設計師爭相參與。
2024 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS《木白賦格》榮獲Gold Winner
The saying may be slightly exaggerated, but it could be valid for the homeowner with three pet cats and plentiful musical instrument collections. The project primarily focused on "cat-friendly" and "tailor-made for the personal lifestyle" based on functional and moving flow planning. Ultimately, we contributed a time-proofing and warmhearted home.
2024 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS《沉萃衍敘》榮獲Silver Winner
The interior exudes an understated and subdued color palette, creating an atmosphere of tranquility that seems to resonate with the eternal essence of life under the catalytic effect of natural light. It weaves a captivating tale unique to this abode, liberating one from the shackles of everyday worries. The stone patterns, with their carefree and untamed textures, invite the mind to wander freely, while the touch of wood imparts a warm and gentle sensation. Guided by soft, indirect lighting, one can immerse in self-reflection, savoring the moments spent with family and the heartwarming ambiance of the home.
2024 德國iF Design Award《沉萃衍敘》榮獲Winner
The interior exudes an understated and subdued color palette, creating an atmosphere of tranquility that seems to resonate with the eternal essence of life under the catalytic effect of natural light. It weaves a captivating tale unique to this abode, liberating one from the shackles of everyday worries. The stone patterns, with their carefree and untamed textures, invite the mind to wander freely, while the touch of wood imparts a warm and gentle sensation.
第十七屆美國IDA設計大獎 廖崢、廖嶸山嵐家居煥發大獎榮光!
結合業主對孝親、育兒及社交的日後考量,崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 將自然孕育萬物的意象融合家宅,透過色調柔和的大理石紋與間接照明,表現出《山嵐晨光》的薄明朦朧之美,此化虛為實的傑出手法,受此次賽事評審矚目,收穫「Honorable Mention」佳績!
2023 美國IDA國際設計獎《山嵐晨光》榮獲Honorable Mention
Mother nature nurtures all living creatures, just like a comprehensive home design that fits for three generations. Integrated the ideals of recreation and a multi-generation family, we decided the project theme on a portrait that Mother Nature receives all living creatures.
2023 OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎 廖崢、廖嶸深萃謐宅煥發大獎榮光!
延續傑出的意象式設計手法,崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 將抽象的沉穩、寧靜之感,透過深色調、石紋、木質轉譯為具體居家環境,搭配鏡面、鐵件的俐落線條和多層次光澤,為家宅《沉萃衍敘》挹注現代時尚風範,深得賽事評審們讚賞,收穫「Winner」佳績!
2023 OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎《沉萃衍敘》榮獲Winner
The interior exudes an understated and subdued color palette, seems to resonate with the eternal essence of life under the catalytic effect of natural light. It weaves a captivating tale unique to this abode, liberating one from the shackles of everyday worries. The stone patterns, with their carefree and untamed textures, invite the mind to wander freely, while the touch of wood imparts a warm and gentle sensation. Guided by soft, indirect lighting, one can immerse in self-reflection, savoring the moments spent with family and the heartwarming ambiance of the home.
2023 APDC亞太設計精英邀請賽 廖崢、廖嶸蘊光商辦奪得Winner大獎!
APDC亞太設計中心是室內設計聯合國組織IFI國際室內建築師設計師團體聯盟的全球成員,核心會員由活躍於大中華地區乃至亞太地區的全球優秀建築師、室內設計師、產品設計師構成。而由該組織發起的APDC AWARDS,自2010年起每年舉行一次,今年已來到第14屆,是亞太地區最重要的獎項之一,曾與全球多個著名設計獎項,並就賽事獲獎作品相互輸送簽訂了友好合作協議。
2023 Novum Design Award 廖崢、廖嶸清雅時尚宅抱得金獎榮光!
法國Novum Design Award倚著國際設計大賽後起之秀的姿態,自2019年舉辦以來,便吸引世界各地好手參賽,廣納10大創意領域,包括建築外觀、室內空間、城市景觀設計、家具設計、照明設計、數位藝術及平面設計、包裝設計、產品設計、時裝及紡織設計、攝影及照片處理設計,為全球優秀設計者提供大展身手的嶄新舞台。
2023 NOVUM DESIGN AWARD《墨白 ‧ 縱橫》榮獲Golden Winner
The deep, vivid ink color complements the clean white hue vertically and horizontally, shaping clear spatial boundaries. Then, coupled with stable, gray marbling walls, balmy timber elements, and glossy decorative light fixtures understatedly manifest an elegant fashion style.
美學意象無邊 科技趨勢無際
經過上篇人物專訪,我們得知 崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 如何運用自身卓越的美學天賦、富有條理的理性思路與活潑多變的意象式設計,將空間的質與貌展現得淋漓盡致,而本次OPEN團隊再度拜訪兩位總監的內心世界,除了一窺他們的兒時記趣和對家的體悟,兩人也大方分享彼此如何化解工作上的分歧,以及面對現今發展迅速的「AI人工智慧」所抱持的想法。
清雅木色薰染碧空 齊塑無垠排雲幽景
緻墨撇捺挑勾縱橫 純白時尚點染暄和
樸質踏石滾汐浪 深蘊澄光凝創想
理性洞察、感性共鳴 成就意象式設計美學 專訪
任職於待遇優渥的科技產業、以遊艇設計奪下德國IF大獎⋯⋯崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 曾在各自領域抵達人人稱羨的高度,卻毅然決然轉換人生跑道,遵循內心對美學的嚮往,攜手創立崢嶸設計,並以擅長的意象式設計接連奪下國際獎項。本次專訪,我們邀請兩位總監侃談踏入室內設計界的契機,以追尋自我實現的歷程。
2023 MUSE Design Awards 廖崢、廖嶸卓越雙作喜「銀」新里程碑!
2023 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS《樸石蘊光》榮獲Silver Winner
Stepping into the design studio amid the hustle and bustle of urban seems like situating the relaxed seashore. The ceiling, interior facades, flooring, furniture, and furnishings artfully manifest impressive features and glamorous textures through simple patterns. Thereupon, reveal the down-to-earth ethos of the design studio.
2023 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS《排雲之境》榮獲Silver Winner
Gently pull the sheer curtains aside, pop the vast blue sky and phantasmagoric clouds look like a quodis arcana. Plan clear, unimpeded layouts to link up each functional domain of the space and bond family affection. Supplement neutral Earth tone and balmy wooden elements; ingeniously create a cozy, elegant residence. Also, arrange multi-layered settings that indicate an advanced, blissful future that the family will achieve.
2022 LICC英國倫敦國際創意大賽 廖崢、廖嶸墨白筆法繪得賽事佳譽!
崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 於一片純白之間,巧用濃重墨色刻畫深邃的天際線,輔以溫潤木質和金屬燈飾,共同勾勒出俐落不失柔潤的現代風韻,高雅時髦的精緻作品《墨白・縱橫》深受評審團賞識,於2022 LICC英國倫敦國際創意大賽奪下「室內裝飾官方評選」獎項,替品牌增添耀眼榮光!
2022 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 廖崢、廖嶸遼闊雲境躍入國際視野!
崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 於作品《排雲之境》中,活用意象式設計,將窗外高樓景緻結合室內漸次遞進的天花板造型,勾勒雲氣排開般的壯闊場景,並以大地色彩與木質紋路點綴畫面,舒適淡雅的家宅深獲2022 Asia Design Prize評審團喜愛,再顯品牌深厚實力!
The deep, vivid ink color complements the clean white hue vertically and horizontally, shaping clear spatial boundaries. Then, coupled with stable, gray marbling walls, balmy timber elements, and glossy decorative light fixtures understatedly manifest an elegant fashion style. We set up a lightweight figured glass screen and the chase cabinetry, which achieve aesthetics and privacy features. Also, skillfully resolving the homeowners' concerns about geomancy taboo and fulfilling their expectations for a better, joyful life.
2022 DUBAI Competition 廖崢、廖嶸展露底蘊不「銅」凡響!
恍若走入一片無際的海灘,崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 透過開放的場域規劃,為自家辦公室引入充裕天光,結合木質、石紋、暗金色美耐板等元素,營造海岸餘暉的柔和情調,搭配軟、硬裝的弧形曲線,傳遞出原石般踏實循序的品牌精神,寓意深遠的精美之作《樸石蘊光》吸引賽事評審們的目光,取得「銅獎」佳績!
在料峭微寒的冬春之際,崢嶸設計 廖崢、廖嶸 設計師 自繁忙的業務抽身,與OPEN進行一場線上專訪;回溯「崢嶸」的過去,兩人毅然跳脫人人稱羨的「科技業」及「工業設計業」,轉而攜手創立「崢嶸設計」;訪談中,兩位總監細數對美學的堅持及追尋,及如何將過往積累下的異業經驗,轉換為崢嶸作品中獨一無二的特色。
2022 OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎 廖峥、廖嶸才氣盡顯抱回雙獎!
透過意象式設計 崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 將窗景轉化爲向上層疊的天花板造型,漸次提升的高度結合清水模、實木皮、水泥漆三種材料,於作品《排雲之境》中詮釋出天地相映的風貌;同為家宅作品的《墨白・縱橫》,以撇捺般的筆法於室內勾勒深邃的天際線,輔以暖意木質、充裕收納機能,調和出優雅時尚的質感家宅,兩件作品皆獲2022 OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎「Winner」榮耀,打響品牌國際知名度!
第十六屆美國IDA設計大獎 廖崢、廖嶸質感美寓大放異彩!
崢嶸設計 廖崢 廖嶸 設計師 善用意象式設計,將窗外雲景融合室內天花板造型,形塑逐漸舒展的遼闊場面,搭佐清水模、實木皮和水泥漆等建材,透過源於自然的色彩與質地,演繹天地相映的風貌,安定恬逸的家宅作品《排雲之境》獲評審青睞,拿下2022 IDA Design Awards「Honorable Mention」表彰!
美國IDA國際設計獎《排雲之境》榮獲Honorable Mention
Gently pull the sheer curtains aside, pop the vast blue sky and phantasmagoric clouds look like a quodis arcana. Plan clear, unimpeded layouts to link up each functional domain of the space and bond family affection.
Stepping into the design studio amid the hustle and bustle of urban seems like situating the relaxed seashore. The ceiling, interior facades, flooring, furniture, and furnishings artfully manifest impressive features and glamorous textures through simple patterns. Thereupon, reveal the down-to-earth ethos of the design studio.
OPAL倫敦傑出地產大獎《墨白 ‧ 縱橫》榮獲Winner
The deep, vivid ink color complements the clean white hue vertically and horizontally, shaping clear spatial boundaries. Then, coupled with stable, gray marbling walls, balmy timber elements, and glossy decorative light fixtures understatedly manifest an elegant fashion style.
Gently pull the sheer curtains aside, pop the vast blue sky and phantasmagoric clouds look like a quodis arcana. Plan clear, unimpeded layouts to link up each functional domain of the space and bond family affection.
【幸福空間】28坪 崢嶸兄弟共造 感性×理性輕奢宅
【幸福空間】感性×理性 崢嶸兄弟共造輕奢宅|28坪
賀!!!在今年2021年底排雲之境勇奪第17屆設計博覽會 華騰獎金獎殊榮,這也是我們設計師覺得很有成就感的一刻,從設計階段就投入相當多的心力幫助業主打造理想居家,到完工後能得到他的肯定,最後還能夠得到大獎,整個設計過程的辛苦就感覺非常的值得了。